GLEF 2019 Application
The costs (accommodation and food) for the nine nights and ten days of the GLEF 2019 will be provided for by scholarship from the GLEF scholarship program. One week before the GLEF 2019 there will be a journey of several days following the footprints of Luther’s heritage of faith, which will also be funded by the scholarship. The GLEF scholarship is made possible by the generous support of New Jersey UBF. Scholarships will be awarded based on verification and recommendation by the UBF GLEF Committee for the Mobilization of the Next Generation.
All interested applications must send the following, completed and signed, to You may email photos or scans of the completed forms.
1. Application Form
2. Dress Code
3. Statement of Faith, Identity, Mission, and Duties .
4. Recommendation letter signed by UBF director or parent
The total number of accepted attendants will be 50.
Those who are interested only in the journey following Luther’s footsteps of faith, should send the corresponding form to First come, first served.
The maximum number of the journey attendants is 21.